January Weather Myrtle Beach – Sunrise on Myrtle Beach

January Weather Myrtle Beach, SC in January is typically cool and mild, with average high temperatures in the mid to upper 50s Fahrenheit, and average low temperatures in the upper 30s to low 40s. It is the coldest month of the year and occasionally the area may experience some freezing temperatures during the night. There is also a chance of occasional rain or snow, although it is not common. The area receives an average of about 4 inches of precipitation during the month. The area is also generally less crowded in this month as it is off season for tourists.

Some popular things to do in Myrtle Beach, SC in January include:

  1. Visit the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk, which offers a variety of shops, restaurants, and attractions, such as the SkyWheel.
  2. Take a stroll along the beach and enjoy the mild January weather.
  3. Check out local museums, such as the Myrtle Beach Art Museum and the Children’s Museum of South Carolina.
  4. Play a round of golf at one of the many golf courses in the area.
  5. Enjoy the local cuisine, such as seafood and Lowcountry dishes.
  6. Visit Broadway at the Beach, an outdoor shopping, dining and entertainment complex.
  7. Take a tour of the area’s many historical sites, such as the Brookgreen Gardens and the Atalaya Castle.
  8. Go on a dolphin-watching tour or a deep sea fishing excursion.
  9. Take a day trip to nearby towns like Georgetown or Wilmington.
Myrtle Beach Skywheel

I enjoy the Skywheel all year long and in January it offers a great view. If you are a local you can even get a annual pass for a very affordable price.